NCA Newf Tide Regional Club Submissions


Event Articles

Regional Clubs Coverage of working tests and regional specialties should be submitted by the deadline immediately following the event. Newf Tide deadlines are January 2, April 1, July 1, and October 1. Unless permission is obtained from the editor prior to any delay, the article will be printed only on a space available basis.

If submitting digital photographs, remember that TIFF format and 300 dpi are preferred. Photos with insufficient resolution may be rejected. Send digital photos on disk or contact the editor before sending them via email. Clearly identify all people and dogs in photos and the name of the photographer. Clearly label all photos and disks. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of photos. Disks will not be returned unless specifically requested. Editor will select which photos enhance the layout.

Regional Specialty Shows

Newf Tide policy now provides that regional shows with entries up to 30 dogs may have two pages in Newf Tide. Regional shows with 31 or more entries may have up to 3 pages for their articles. Clubs who wish to, may buy extra pages for their regional specialty show articles. The price per page effective 4-01-04 is $160 per page.

Plan ahead when submitting information about regional specialty shows. The following must be included for proper coverage: 1) a catalog or clearly marked catalog pages; 2) a separate list of all first place winners noting if a picture is included; 3) pictures with identifying labels on the back or electronic files with pictures appropriately named; 4) Website address of superintendent or show secretary, if the results are available on the Internet; 5) a short article about the event; 6) a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of photos.

Newf Tide policy provides that an owner can substitute another picture of his dog for the one from that particular regional show. For this reason, a club that purchases the entire set of winners pictures from the show photographer cannot automatically use them for their articles without providing owners the opportunity to substitute photos.

Well in advance of the show, assign a person from your club to be responsible for writing the article on the show and collecting the pictures of the first place winners that are to accompany it. Remember, you are taking the responsibility of reporting the show for all of the winners and your club.

Please note that one person should coordinate obtaining winners pictures, labeling them properly and sending them to the Newf Tide editor. If you experience problems getting pictures or meeting your obligations in any way, please call the Editor and discuss the options available to your club. If you don't, the article will only be published on a space available basis, which means it may not be published at all.

The entire NCA will be reading your article so you should take the time to prepare it correctly. Write a short well focused introduction to the article. Remember, you cannot tell every detail of the show. Using Judges' comments about the entry is very informative. If you had a logo, you can provide it for use in the article. Take the time to title your article.

On the day of the show, give all first place winners a letter telling them the procedure that your club will follow to collect the pictures. All pictures are to be sent to one person by the date given. That person will be responsible for identifying them correctly by placing a label on the back and sending them all together to the editor. (See sample letters to regional club specialty winners) All hard copy pictures are to be carefully identified by placing a label on the back that contains the following information in this exact order. Please do not be creative here but follow the format exactly:
Classes won*,
Dog's Name (sire x dam).
Breeders:. Owners:.
*(Include all the placements of a dog starting with the most important-each dog will receive one picture)

Regional Specialty Article Submission Policy

Sample submission of Captions and Article

Sample of finished Article

Working Events

*When emailing, please prefix the subject line with the club acronym followed by what you are submitting, i.e. (Club Name) Water Test.
Font and Format Requirements: Ariel or Helvetica, 12 point, single space, all margins left justified
Content Submission Format (in the order provided):
Name of Club,
Article – (maximum 350 words for one day test 500 max for a multi-day test) submitted as a Word/Page or RTF document,
The qualifiers are to be listed after the article.
List of qualifiers grouped by the titles earned (all XYZ Beginner Draft Dogs together, XYZ Draft Dogs together, etc.) submit the following:
Registered name of dog including all previously earned titles shown in NCA database.
Call name (in parens),
Name of handler,
Day of the week qualified and/or requalified if applicable


Regional clubs are allotted two quarter-page ads at no charge each calendar year to promote their activities. If your specialty or working event has a theme, contact the editor to have the theme included with the event information in the calendar.

Club Columns

The purpose of NCA regional club columns is to promote communication of interesting projects and activities across the country. Content is limited to information of interest to the NCA membership and articles should be a source of ideas and inspiration to other clubs and members. Suggested topics are a special speaker, a panel discussion, a fun event or unique party, fund raising, and workshops. Whenever possible, columns should include specific information about what those in attendance learned. Columns submitted with inappropriate topics will not be published.The editor will have the sole discretion to return any regional club column deemed inappropriate. Inappropriate topics would include, but are not limited to, a list of dogs and the titles they received during the year, a listing of club events. For example, if a club holds a birthday party for Newfs, complete with party hats, cake, and games, write about the party without listing all those who participated—mentioning the oldest in attendance would be appropriate. Honoring a special dog for a unique accomplishment would be appropriate, as would be the explanation of special awards given during the club’s year—how the award was initiated, something about the person for whom it was named.

Regional clubs may submit a 250-word column with one picture* to the Newf Tide editor for the following issues: Quarter 1 (deadline January 2), Quarter 2 (deadline April 1), and Quarter 4 (deadline October 1). Regional club columns will not be accepted for Quarter 3.

Submissions must be submitted on deadline: January 2, April 1, or October 1. Submission may be by Word document, in the body of an email, or by hard copy. Submission must include the name, address, and other contact information for the author, who must be an NCA member. The editor will acknowledge receipt of submissions.

All submissions will be edited in accordance with Newf Tide guidelines and policies. Newf Tide policies can be accessed on the NCA website.

* If a picture is submitted, it will be printed only if space permits and the editor deems it appropriate. The editor will have the sole authority to determine this.


Columns exceeding 250 words may be sent to the Regional Club Liaison for posting on the NCA website.